Saturday, 26 June 2010

The Relaxation Response

As mothers we have our work cut out for us every hour of every day. At the moment life for me is frustrating to say the least. As i write my one year old is rubbing the lovely sauce that i made for dinner all over her head, and now tipping the plate upside down; in a moment she will get bored of eating and scream as if the universe was coming to an end.

Some days i see the funny side. Some days i just want to cry. Some days i embrace my situation with gratitude for the wonderful gift of life, and cry anyway. Whatever i manage i always try my best; there's no point striving for perfection.

Luckily for me life seems to throw up the right stuff just when i need it. I trust that it will and it does. Recently this came in the form of a cd: 3 Easy Steps to Deep Relaxation by Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati. It now has a permanent home on my ipod and i listen to it as often as possible.

I have to say that the benefits of acquiring this cd have been magnanimous. I think prior to owning it i spend the last 15 or so years living with my sympathetic nervous system constantly switched on. I was always tense, anxious or worried and felt trapped in a vicious circle of negative thinking. I tried everything to change but change didn't come.

What Dr Shankardev teaches is the biology behind relaxation plus three techniques to achieve deeply relaxing states. By practicing these techniques your body learns to activate the para-sympathetic nervous system which lets our body experience relaxation. More and more i am finding that i can keep my cool even when i am being pushed in another direction e.g. like today when my toddler decided to put the hand-held fan in her potty and switch it on! Normally this would elicit loud words of dissatisfaction but today mummy was cool.

Now i won't say that this has made me a model mother but it has definitely helped me to bring about positive change and this had made my (and my childrens) life a whole lot more enjoyable.

I wonder why my doctor couldn't have recommended me this cd rather than the script for anti-depressants!

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