Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Perception Obsession

Housework. Grrrr. I have spent the last god knows how many years trying to keep on top of the housework. Having a clean and neat house gives me a sense of control and helps me feel like i'm coping. I know many parents feel like this but i've realised recently that this feeling is more than a little misleading.

Simone de Beauvoir has written extensively about womans role in "The Second Sex" and in other stories. I remember one of her characters who's life was a constant battle with the housework and children, and this was the way i was beginning to feel. You get up in the morning and put washing on, feed the children breakfast, do the dishes, make lunch etc etc and you can fall into the trap of feeling like this is all your life amounts too. You can centre your perception on this struggle and get lost in it, and lose your self in it. Your blinkers are put on and you don't see anything else anymore. Life is no longer fun ;(.

What i've realised is it doesn't have to be this way. I woke up this morning and while i was in the bath i realised that my girls were happy today because i didn't get up and see the mess; i got up and we pulled out a train set and played. I had my bath and i didn't see that the bath did in fact need cleaning; i saw that it was a great day for a walk.

What I realised, is that your outside world is a reflection of your perception and all the little seemingly insignificant thoughts that make up your perception, and that your perception is something you can change for the better.

Don't let your perception become trapped in a cycle of something that you will never keep on top of. Keep your mind focused on what is good in life, and life will be good. Good luck!

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